November 15th, 2016

Agata Mancini Running for OAA Council

Agata Mancini, Architect with mcCallumSather, is running for the OAA Council. To ask her a question and learn more about the candidates, click here. Agata is an active member of the local architecture community, HBSA and recently co-hosted the  My [Local] Architect tour for Young Architects of Hamilton.

The OAA is a self regulating body that oversees the profession of Architecture within the Province of Ontario. The OAA Council sets policy direction for the Association. It is currently composed of 15 architects elected by the membership, and five publicly appointed Councillors (LGIC). Council must govern the Association and the profession according to the rules set out by the Architects Act, the Regulation, By-laws, and Policy, always keeping the public and their best interest in mind.

Voting starts on November 14 and the results will be announced before the end of the month.