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Willems Ransom

Principal, Architect

Willems Ransom

Willems Ransom, Principal, is an award-winning designer and leader within mcCallumSather. Willems is known for crafting unique spaces, each meticulously tailored to their unique context. Willems’ dedication to sustainability is a thread woven through every facet of his work, contributing to the creation of spaces that harmonize with their surroundings while leaving a positive impact on the environment.

Willems works with clients in healthcare, education, civic and workspace sectors. In addition to a wide range of projects at various stages of construction, Willems has been involved in research projects designed to better understand the data driving design decisions, particularly around timeline, materiality and construction techniques.

Willems is licensed through the American Architecture Institute, part of the International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering and former board member with the Western New York State Sustainable Business Round Table.

Bachelor of Fine Arts, Pratt Institute, School of Art and Design

Master of Architecture, University of Buffalo,

School of Architecture and Planning
Candidate for Master of Architecture,

Cornell University, School of Architecture, Art and Planning

Architecture, Master Plans & Studies

Willems's Projects

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