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West Lincoln Memorial Hospital

The West Lincoln Memorial Hospital project is moving forward with the selection of B+H Architects and mcCallumSather as the planning, design and conformance (PDC) team.

“West Lincoln Memorial Hospital is a vitally important health care project for the local community,” said Joanne McCallum, CEO at mcCallumSather. “We are thrilled to continue growing our relationship with Hamilton Health Sciences and to be a part of such a great team to move this integral project forward.”

As the PDC team, B+H Architects and mcCallumSather will prepare project documents, including output specifications that will form the guidelines and performance requirements the successful building team must meet when preparing the design. The PDC team will also monitor construction progress and provide coordination and oversight during commissioning, completion, and transition to the new hospital.

“Together with mcCallumSather, B+H raised the bar for sustainability at Mohawk College’s Joyce Centre for Partnership & Innovation and were instrumental in the design of the Juravinski Centre for Integrated Care,” said Christ McQuillan, Principal at B+H Architects. “The new WLMH will be a health and wellness hub for the Hamilton Region and will help advance care, community and sustainability.”

The West Lincoln Memorial Hospital project will involve constructing a new, larger hospital on the property behind the existing facility. Features will include:
• Acute inpatient beds
• A 24-hour Emergency Department
• Maternal and newborn services
• Day surgical services including endoscopy and minor procedures
• Increased outpatient (ambulatory) care space to expand the availability of consultation services closer to home
• Advanced diagnostics including X-ray, mammography, echocardiography, and ultrasound, and CT scanner

“Building a new hospital requires leadership and support from so many, including hospital staff and physicians, government, elected officials, teams of external experts, and the local community,” said Rob MacIsaac, President and CEO of Hamilton Health Sciences. “We are grateful to all those who have helped to advance this important project and look forward to working with B+H Architects/mcCallumSather as we continue to make progress towards planning for a new WLMH.”

The project will be delivered under Infrastructure Ontario’s public-private partnership (P3) model, which transfers the risks associated with design, construction, and financing a complex hospital project to the private sector. The new facility will be publicly owned, controlled, and accountable.

As the next major step, Hamilton Health Sciences and Infrastructure Ontario will issue a request for qualifications (RFQ), inviting teams to submit their credentials to design, build, and finance the hospital. The RFQ is expected to be released in early 2021.

“I am very pleased to see this important step towards our new hospital proceed,” said Sam Oosterhoff, MPP of Niagara West. “I am grateful that the Minister of Health and Premier have responded to the advocacy of many constituents in Niagara West by expediting the process to build a new WLMH. This critical health care infrastructure project will serve many families, seniors, and mothers in Niagara West and beyond.”

Learn more about the project here: