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Canada can tackle affordable housing by scaling what works

Canada is facing a dual crisis: an urgent need for affordable housing and a commitment to ambitious environmental targets. As highlighted in a recent Op-Ed in the National Observer, Matt Bolen, Managing Principal at mcCallumSather, argues that the solution lies not in endless new ideas but in scaling up the innovative approaches already being implemented.

At mcCallumSather, we’re demonstrating how advanced construction techniques like mass timber and modular design can create high-quality, affordable housing while reducing environmental impact. Our projects, such as 1620 Main St. E. in Hamilton, exemplify how Passive House standards and net-zero principles can be applied to deliver sustainable, cost-effective solutions that benefit all Canadians.

The Canadian housing market doesn’t lack ideas; it lacks execution. By focusing on the practical implementation of proven solutions, we can move beyond the cycle of inaction and create real, lasting impact.

Read our full Op-Ed in the National Observer to explore how we can collectively advance affordable and sustainable housing across Canada.

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