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Fast, prefab and affordable on Ossington Avenue – The Architourist, Globe and Mail

Dave LeBlanc
Special to The Globe and Mail
Published October 1, 2024

I have referred to the Iron Triangle in this space before. “Cheap-Fast-Good” and how it’s not possible to have all three, so pick two: cheap and fast won’t be good; good and fast is expensive; and good and cheap is slow.

But maybe, just maybe, architects and urban planners Smart Density and developer/builder Assembly have shattered that old adage to bits.

The project? 1120 Ossington Ave., just north of Geary Avenue. The client is St. Clare’s Multifaith Housing Society, the self-described “social justice landlord” that’s made quite a difference in reducing homelessness since 1998. In 2011, the former Italian United Church on site was added to and converted into 20 apartments.

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