Matt Bolen joins a panel to discuss sustainable innovation and the future of building technologies at Pivot Tech on November 14, 2024, held at the Cotton Factory in Hamilton, ON.

Success Stories in Sustainability from the World of Community Housing Session convened by CityHousing Hamilton
Moderator (TBC)
Peter Vander Klippe, Senior Project Manager, CityHousing Hamilton
Matt Bolen, Managing Principal, mcCallumSather
A key topic of interest will be the rationale applied by many community housing organizations to make front-end investments in sustainable design, materials and technologies as a strategy to curb operating costs (including energy bills) over the long term. The panel will also spotlight local and regional case studies that demonstrate leadership in sustainability, including a mass timber passive house project in Hamilton. The plan is to “beam in” a community housing specialist from Europe to share technological trends in that jurisdiction.
Tickets available here