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Matt Bolen to join featured speakers at Single Stair Sessions, presented by Canadian Urban Institute and LGA Architectural Partners

Director, Architect Matt Bolen will be one of the featured speakers at the “The 3 Ps: Pilot Projects and Prototypes” webinar tomorrow, Tuesday March 18th from 12pm-1:30pm EST – for day one of this week’s “Single Stair Sessions”, presented by the Canadian Urban Institute (CUI) in collaboration with LGA Architectural Partners.

The “Single Stair Sessions” offer a series of discussions on housing innovation and alternative solutions to improve the feasibility of multiplexes and small apartment buildings. These sessions will bring together leading architects, engineers, and building code experts to explore how alternative building code compliance can benefit ‘missing middle’ building designs to expand housing options in urban areas.

“The 3 Ps: Pilot Projects and Prototypes” webinar will discuss innovative single egress stair (SES) designs for multiplexes and small apartment buildings, exploring how pilot projects are addressing regulatory challenges and unlocking new possibilities for missing middle housing. The session will conclude with a brief Q&A, providing an opportunity for further discussion.

Register for the webinar here (hosted virtually on Zoom)