Mississauga Renovations
LifeLabs, the largest provider of specialty laboratory testing services in Canada, needed to upgrade its Mississauga location. While maintaining operations throughout to keep up with its testing demand, the goal was to improve both its equipment and water treatment systems, bring the space up to code and stay ahead of evolving technologies and testing techniques.
The phased project integrated two of the largest automated High Volume Chemistry (HVC) lines in North America. The HVC Lines include up to 20 analyzers and refrigerated storage, taking up over 7,000 sq. ft. each. A Sodium Azide (Na+) wastewater treatment system treated wastewater prior to entering the sanitary system. The outcome is the cleanest lab waste possible, reaching standards which significantly exceed those required by the municipality.
Laboratory Types
- High Volume Chemistry
- Special Chemistry
- Hematology
- Microbiology
- Mycology
- Molecular
- Urinalysis
- Toxicology
- Morphology
- Electrophoresis
Project Facts
Mississauga, Ontario
70,000 sq. ft.