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Brock University

The Zone Fitness Centre

The Zone is the epicenter of Brock University’s impressive fitness culture but regularly reached its maximum capacity. The Student Union decided it was time to act on the need to expand and renovate the space. The Zone is in an enclosed courtyard and active corner of the campus, adding a layer of complexity to the realization of this much needed renovation and addition.

A Construction Management contract, an integrated methodology, offered greater flexibility to problem-solve for the unique site conditions. The team removed an existing link between courtyard buildings, while creating a new roadway into the courtyard allowing the movement of materials in and out, before rebuilding the link to complete the project. The award-winning addition transformed the courtyard experience, replacing a heavy awning with closed off design, with one that is light and transparent. The double height interior has a series of active mezzanines that boldly feature the campus colours and its mascot. The space is programmed with a mix of wide-open areas for exercise equipment, a variety of turf for various training requirements, and group classes like yoga and spin.

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