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Sustainable Hamilton Burlington: Passion Into Practice Award

We were honoured to receive Sustainable Hamilton Burlington’s Passion Into Practice Award at the June 13 Gala, and to have been shortlisted for the Social Innovation Award.

Passion Into Practice reflects a culmination of our 21 year history, focused on sustainability in all that we do. The award recognizes firms that have demonstrated a holistic, integrated approach, embedding sustainability principles throughout its operations. Our own office acts as an incubator for thoughtful sustainable technologies, we provide showers and facilities that encourage commuting, provide subsidies for Sobi Bike memberships and encourage recycling, thoughtful use of materials and general sustainable practices in all that we do as a team. Further, it recognizes that we integrate sustainability in all aspect of the services we provide, including a careful balance of financial, social and sustainability through the new and renovated built environment we design with our clients.

We wish to sincerely thank Sustainable Hamilton Burlington for this recognition and to congratulate all the winners from last evening who are each, in their own way, demonstrating outstanding leadership and innovation shaping this region’s reputation as a leader in sustainable thinking.